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Style Tastemakers

We are always inspired and amazed by the extraordinary lives of those within the Dia community. Our Style Tastemakers Series introduces you to those who are using their voice and their style to inspire others.

Kam Throckmorton Kam Throckmorton

Stylist & Personal Shopper

Kam Throckmorton

Kam Throckmorton is the face and fashion of Kam Throckmorton Style, a Saint Simons Island-based company focused on elevating the confidence of women through the transformative power of clothing and style. A fashion stylist and graduate of the University of Georgia, she has combined her degree in Social Work with a keen eye and over 20 years of experience and research to build a unique mission and brand.

Kam’s mission is far more than personal styling and luxury logos. She believes confident women change the world and knows the transformative power of image and style. She loves cultivating confidence in people through one-on-one styling and public speaking engagements. Whether it’s a closet edit, photo shoot or personal shopping, Kam’s goal is to create life-changing looks for her clients that exude confidence for everyone from CEOs to soccer moms. While she loves slow island living, she also enjoys the flexibility to work virtually with women all over the country.

Q & A

Get to Know Kam

How would you describe your style?

I recently learned the term “Dopamine Dressing” and that is the perfect way to describe my style. A great outfit makes me happy! If you are above ground, it’s a special day and worthy of a great outfit. I don’t care if my only task for the day is the grocery store, I am going to do it in a look that I love. Iris Apfel is my style icon, more is more and less is a bore. 

I like bright colors, bold patterns, rich textures, gaudy costume jewelry from the 80’s. Even though I am southern, you won’t catch me in monograms or gingham. I live on an island in South Georgia, it’s hot and humid so that has made me adjust my style. It’s too hot in the summer to have any fabric touch your skin so I have fully embraced the kaftan. In the Summer months, Mrs. Roper is more my style icon.


The highlight will always be current and past clients who credit working with me for changing the way they see themselves. Whether it’s a woman who gives herself permission to have fun with her clothes to one who can see her body in a loving way. When I started this career, I never expected to have to do so much self-work to love and appreciate my body, but I quickly realized that I can’t give what I don’t have so I treat my self-worth like a full-time job.

The biggest payoff is now that I have a 4-year-old daughter, I love passing on everything I’ve learned about style, self-expression and most importantly, self-confidence. In our house when we out-grow an article of clothing, we say we got too powerful for it.

Runner-up is a panel I moderated for 11 Honoré in Feburary 2020. As a girl who grew up wearing mens clothing because it was the only thing in my size to get to thank Patrick Herning for seeing me and valuing me, was incredible. It was the last fun thing I did before the pandemic. I thought Patrick was a little crazy because he would only elbow bump as to not spread germs. Little did I know, he was the smartest one in the room.

How has access to fashion/evolution of inclusive fashion impacted your own personal style?

I have always been proud of my style but until recently, I felt like it came with an asterisk, like this is the best I can do with what I am offered. For most of my life, I had the “once I lose enough weight, I will wear that” closet. Now everything in my closet fits and is so good that if my body is ever smaller I will just alter my existing wardrobe.

Is there a brand/style you'd love to wear that doesn't exist yet in plus?

I want to wear bangles up to my elbows, a la Iris Apfel. I want to wear rings on every finger. It’s so hard to find well-thought-out jewelry for larger bodies. I want accessories! Bags that are proportional, with longer straps, large-size bracelets (that aren’t stretch). Belts in rich leather. Accessories for plus size feel so temporary, it’s nothing that I will pass down to my daughter. I’d like to see that change.

What outfit makes you feel the most powerful or the most YOU?

I usually start with my accessory, a great vintage statement necklace and / or one of my wide-brimmed hats. The outfits that are the “most me” have a sense of rebellion, like when I wear 4-inch heels even though I am 6’2 flat-footed.

I’m heartbroken when a client tells me she wants to blend in or if her only goal in dressing is to look skinny. I am all about manipulating the eye to achieve a great look but I would much rather look cool than skinny.

How does a great outfit make you feel?

A great outfit makes me feel powerful. We tell the world how to treat us every time we leave the house. I want people to look at me and know I am not afraid to take up space and I am worthy of the spotlight. Never in an attention seeking way but at 6’2”, people are going to stare so I want to give them something interesting to look at when they do.

What are you excited to add to your wardrobe this year?

I am always on the lookout for cool accessories, whether it’s a vintage statement necklace or a great wide-brim hat. I love my wardrobe and think I don’t need one more piece until I see a unique accessory. I’m forever on the hunt for a cool boiler suit, maybe this will be my year.

What do you love about 11 Honoré | Dia&Co integrating and becoming the premier destination for plus fashion?

I love that I can shop for everything in one place. For so long it was either high-end but someone boring or trendy and cheap. As a fashion stylist, it’s a great and easy source for me to use for my clients. So much of my work is done virtually and it’s nice to have a company with great products and service.

What do you want to see from fashion in the next 5 years?

I would like to see more pieces that make my heart beat fast, pieces I have to have, just really cool clothes. I am tired of the leggings and dirty tennis shoe look, I want fashion. I want best-dressed or worst-dressed outfits, nothing in the middle.

Name three of your favorite brands

Some of my favorite pieces are from the Farm Rio + Anthropologie collection, Never Fully Dressed and Shop Buru.


Safe Harbor Center The idea of any child being in an unsafe situation or without a loving place to go is heartbreaking. Safe Harbor does so much for the vulnerable kids in our community.

Any other fun facts you'd like to share?

I once met Clinton Kelly and he complimented my outfit. 

I could put together a look faster to attend the Met Gala than I could an outfit to meet you at the park for a walk. Women who can run out the door in leggings and a t-shirt amaze me. I try but I just feel better in a complete look and it’s so much easier for me. 

One of the only shopping regrets I have is not buying the hot pink AZEEZA Thistle dress that I wore when I moderated a panel with Patrick Herning a few years ago, it still haunts me. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you bring it back.

Keep up with Kam's work, life & style on Instagram @glamkamstyle or at