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Style Tastemakers

We are always inspired and amazed by the extraordinary lives of those within the Dia community. Our Style Tastemakers Series introduces you to those who are using their voice and their style to inspire others.

Dani Sauter Dani Sauter

Digital Fashion Influencer & Model

Dani Sauter

Creator of Blonde in the District, a Washington DC based style, beauty, & travel blog dedicated to breaking barriers in the fashion & beauty industry associated with size & inclusivity. Created originally as a creative outlet after a non-creative time in her life, Dani established Blonde in the District in 2014 as a place for positivity and to encourage others to find their confidence through style and self-expression.

Since then, Dani’s message for size inclusion and positivity has resonated with many and Blonde in the District has been voted Best DC Fashion Blog and named a Washingtonian StyleSetter in recent years. Additionally, Dani has launched a modeling career as a result of Blonde in the District visuals. You can find everything from style, beauty, cats (yes, cats) and travel tips, as well as fun DC spots to visit on Blonde in the District.

Q & A

Get to Know Dani

How would you describe your style?

I like to think of my style like a cat. One day I may feel sleek and glamorous and the next I’m curious and playful. I’m also a Gemini and I think my style reflects my internal alter egos.

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"I love wearing statement pieces that spark conversation with others and exude confidence in myself and my style."


It’s hard to name just one as I’m very fortunate to have experienced a handful of highlights throughout my career. But one I will never forget is appearing on The Drew Barrymore Show on her cities tour and participating in the Drew’s News segment in front of the Lincoln Memorial here in DC!

How has access to fashion/evolution of inclusive fashion impacted your own personal style?

When I look back 10 years it’s incredible to see how much my style has done a complete 180 thanks to more designers and brands understanding the need for size inclusion. Before inclusive fashion was mainstream, I always dressed in dark colors as I felt I HAD to since the narrative of “darker colors make you look slimmer” was everywhere. It was ingrained in my soul for so long. I think it was also ingrained in the industry because you couldn’t find good options back then. Everything was either oversized or bodycon and dark to make us “look slimmer.” I’d stick to the same things over and over again because it was all I could find. 

Now, thanks to more options from brands and conversations that have shaped the way fashion considers size, I wear color and prints and that’s something I never could have done stylishly 10 years ago. It’s so wild how much I’ve changed. In some ways I feel like I’ve only recently really found my unique style and that is thanks to having more options from brands and designers.

What outfit makes you feel the most powerful or the most YOU and how does a great outfit make you feel?

I feel my best when I’m in something that has loads of personality. I love wearing statement pieces that spark conversation with others and exude confidence in myself and my style. As a plus woman who loves fashion, I feel it’s my mission to show my style personality to others to change the narrative that style is only for a select size.

Is there a brand/style you'd love to wear that doesn't exist yet in plus?

I’d love for Gucci to be more inclusive with their sizing! I’m an avid customer of their bags and accessories, but I would love to be able to wear their clothing.

Name three of your favorite brands.

Hands down - 11 Honorè (obvi!), Tanya Taylor, Gucci.

What are you excited to add to your wardrobe this year?

This year in particular I made a promise to myself to be more *intentional* with my purchases. As I’m on the prowl for new pieces, it has to be something in a shape, style, or print I don’t already own, something super unique and fun, or something I can’t stop thinking about. I’ve had my eye on the 11H Baja East Wild Horses Shirt Dress (linked left) for a while, so I’m thinking it’s time to add it to my closet! I absolutely love the beautiful horse print and I think it will be perfect to wear many ways throughout spring/summer! I actually remember the caftan version from a few seasons back and I’m still mad I never ordered it! It checks off all the boxes for being unique, fun, and something I can’t stop thinking about!

What do you want to see from fashion in the next 5 years?

I know this may sound cliche, but I want to see more inclusive bodies in ALL aspects of fashion. I want to see more than one or two plus models on the runway and designers/brands thinking that’s good enough. I want to see bodies of all shapes & sizes in ALL kinds of campaigns around fashion & style- fitness, handbags, shoes, beauty, accessories, travel, lifestyle. I want the acceptance of all bodies to be more widely acknowledged. I want fashion messaging from a high level to be inclusive overall- because ultimately that is what trickles down to the masses.

What do you love about 11 Honoré | Dia&Co integrating and becoming the premier destination for plus fashion?

I still remember when the news of the integration dropped and I thought “how brilliant!!” I think, especially in plus fashion, we are stronger when we are tied together versus working separately in silos. I think it opens the door for growth, new customers, and ultimately, more options for plus consumers, which is so necessary.


This year it was a goal of mine to understand more about big cat conservation. Panthera is an organization I followed after doing some research on big cat safety after watching the Tiger King series. Supporting animals has always been something I am passionate about, and it's only recently that I've started educating myself about big cats and how they sustain wildlife and human communities. Big cats face so many risks- poaching, human conflict, deforestation and habitat loss, private ownership which results in neglect and abuse in roadside attractions, and more. I want to make it a mission of mine to help educate others to understand this is a very real issue so we can help save and conserve these beautiful creatures. 

Additionally, I read an article following the Schiaparelli spring 2023 couture show recommending the idea of the fashion industry adding a 'conservation' tax on leopard print items- and I would LOVE to see that happen. Leopard print (and other animal prints) is a source of inspiration in fashion. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we as a fashion industry could donate back to save these animals that we are constantly inspired by? Just some food for thought.


I don’t think it’s any surprise, but I am a HUGE cat lover and I collect vintage cat decor! During the pandemic I actually started an online resell shop with all my vintage kitty finds, but I’ve recently focused on collecting rather than selling as I have future ideas of incorporating them into an installation or art display.